Our DB pension risk transfer checklist has been designed to help trustees and sponsors of defined benefit schemes take a structured approach towards their endgame.

With the recent improvements in funding levels seen across the Defined Benefit (DB) pension scheme landscape, many trustees and sponsoring employers may find themselves financially ready for buyout, but unprepared to proceed.

Even where a potential transaction may still realistically be some way into the future, it is still important to understand what lies ahead. Getting prepared to approach the DB pension risk transfer market is a large undertaking, requiring intensive cooperation between several departments and external advisors. 

Whatever your circumstances, knowing the right steps to take ahead of a risk transfer is vital. Our step-by-step checklist covers the key planning points you can be undertaking right now.

These preparatory actions not only ensure your DB pension scheme is better positioned when the relevant time comes, but can also help demonstrate the necessary commitment to a transaction, helping to achieve the desired level of engagement from insurers.

Risk transfer checklist sections

  • Planning
  • Governance
  • Financials
  • Benefits
  • Membership data

Download the checklist

What does the changing market environment mean for investors and DB pension schemes? How should investment portfolios be adjusted?

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DB endgame journey planning

Our holistic actuarial, investment and pension administration approach gives you the knowledge, structure and tools to optimise your strategy for tackling the journey towards your DB endgame.

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