The effects of Covid-19 on capital modelling and internal validation

The impact of Covid-19 on the insurance industry has become a key focus area for the regulator, including capital modelling and internal model validation. 

In a series of videos, the first two of which are below, Alpesh Patel discusses some of the key impacts we have seen across the market. 

You'll learn about many of the practical steps you can take when refining and developing your capital models, as well as when you are performing your independent validation exercises. 

The implications on capital modelling and validation will depend on the risk profile of the business.

Below, in the first of the videos in this series, we consider Covid-19’s effects on the risk profile of a “typical” general insurance firm.

Covid-19 has impacted the P&Ls of different areas within insurance companies – from insurance claims to investments and operationally as people work from home.

Watch our video, the second in this series, as we discuss how these areas interact and, therefore, the dependencies that could be considered in the forthcoming capital modelling and validation exercises.

Please do get in touch with Alpesh below if you have any questions or would like to talk about any of the topics discussed in more detail. 

Visit our Covid-19 hub for all the latest analysis on the impact of coronavirus on insurance, business, pensions and investment.

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